
Lake Powell

What's funner than going to the last day of school for a few hours, then jumping in the car and going to Lake Powell for a week with family and friends? We felt so lucky to be invited with our good friends the Bruses along with 2 other families that we came to know and love over a week together, the Barnes and the Warrs. Days were filled with sun, waterplay and great food. Dave (we call him Captain Dangerous) taught us all how to make homemade bombs that were perfect for this trip. All you need is a can of corn, green beans, tomato paste or whatever kind of canned food your heart desires and bury it under a pile of briquetts. Throw some lighter fluid on the 20 piles that you've made and within 30 to 40 minutes, you have yourself a legit firework show that will surely get the oohs and aahs from the crowd. Do not try this in a forested area, I repeat... DO NOT try this by anything that will burn...because it will when the bomb explodes and the briquettes fly everywhere. We were safe in Powell doing this up on the mountainside of rocks and it proved to be a very entertaining show...and a cheap one too. We loved every minute in Powell, except for the last day when I discovered my phone had met the water at some time during the week and the kicker...my wallet went to see the bottom of the lake. It was especially fun to ask if our friends could spot us a tank of gas to be able to make it home and to buy our lunch. So, if you go to Lake Powell-put your wallet in a waterproof container that will float and do not bring your cell phone...you can't even get service out there anyway.

Introducing...the Accolade. Sounds cool & mega important, huh? It's even cooler than it looks if you can believe that. So this is where 24 people lived for a week. The middle and upper decks are where everyone slept. They had a ton of sleeping pads that during the day would stack up to make a few couches and at night would be spread over both decks to sleep everyone under the stars after the nighttime firework show-it was awesome.

Chloe gives the kneeboarding a try and she loved it.

We had to get a pic of all of the kids all together...what a sight, eh?

Eli with his good friend Mckay

The greatest thing about Lake Powell on a houseboat is to be able to just jump in the water anytime you want to cool off.

Here's a little indian village we discovered on a day excursion

Kate loved playing outside everyday

I forgot to mention that our air conditioner went out in the Suburban on the trip too-glad it wasn't blazing hot on the car ride home. Guess that's what we deserve for having so much fun out there. In any case, we're huge fans of Lake Powell and can't wait to go back again someday.


  1. You guys are so, so, lucky--although you did pay kind of a high price for it with the cell phone and wallet thing. Glad everyone had such a good, safe time. Looking forward to seeing you next week.

  2. Hey! This is the boat we have a time share ontoo! Last day or june
