
Labor Day...at the Cabin

We decided to head off to the cabin for Labor Day weekend.  Usually we don't try and attempt this since Heather starts teaching preschool the following day but she felt confident enough with her preparations that we went.  We had a good time together and found plenty of things to do as usual.  One of the sights we decided to go see was the Johnny Sacks cabin.  This cabin was built and lived in by a German immigrant in the early 1900s.  The unique thing about this cabin is that "Johnny", who was only 4 feet and a few inches tall, designed his cabin to "fit" himself.  All of the architecture on the interior of the cabin reflects that.  Unfortunately we had to peer in from the windows since it had just closed for the day when we arrived. 

 The kids spent a lot of time painting these wooden dolls for fun.  Heather had a great idea to have a Halloween collection that we could put out every year.  Eli was the first to jump on that idea.  Here is his Dracula doll he designed:

and a little closer:

So....I wanted something to work on too.  For the past year or so I've wanted to make my own gravestones for decorating our front yard at Halloween.  I've bought the styrofoam ones that look great for one season, then they're toast.  I asked Grandpa Danny if he had any old wood that I could use...he told me there was plenty under the cabin.  I was excited when I saw the condition it was in...old and weathered.  Perfect.  I used some of the paint the kids were using and painted the "gravestones".  Here's one for you to see:

The kids love to try their hand at driving on the dirt road going back and forth to the cabin.  I've decided that it's one of the things they'll always remember about this place.  Here's a pic of Kate sitting on my lap and "driving" on the dirt road.  She's kind of a wild driver...

Liam had to go fishing.  Fortunately we didn't find any dead guys in the woods this trip.

 Eli just hangin out in the woods

Hangin out in front of the cabin.  Seriously had the best weather for 3 days: in the 70's.  It felt so great coming from mid 90s in Kaysville. 

 This is rare: Kate taking a breather...

The love of my life...celebrating 16 years this year!

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