
Kate's Bday party

Kate's b-day party actually took place a month before her "real" birthday.  Her cousin Max was celebrating his birthday at the new Get Air at the sportsplex and so they decided to have a combined party.  There were lots of friends invited.  Kate invited her friends that were girls and Max invited his friends that were boys.  It was a riot on many levels with that many kids.  This was a full group shot.

Kate's friends

The girls came back to our house after jumping their brains out.  We had pizza and italian sodas.


and of course...birthday cake

This was a beauty...Kate was pretty proud of what her mom had created...

and of course...presents!!!  Who doesn't love this part of the party

This is funny.  Take a close look at Kate's face.  It could only mean it was a gift that was both a complete surprise and totally awesome...

What is it you say?  Well, it's a Justin Beiber doll...and it sings too.  Kate was in love...

All in all...a great party.  

These are the party favors that went home with all of the girls.  Sprite with a note saying "I'm soda lighted that you come come to my party"

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous party-the cake is gorgeous - Kate's facial expressions are the best!
