
Eli's birthday

Eli's birthday...you'll be able to tell by the pictures below that this was a very unique birthday on many levels.  The first pic shows his first gift and one that he's been requesting for quite a while...a new set of large scriptures.  Yeah, these are what I call the old man scriptures, you know the ones where the words are so big they jump off the page and they weigh about a 100 pounds?  He was so happy to get these...

and of course, Eli's in to music so much lately on his Ipod so he's requested an ihome 

Eli also wanted to decorate his own cake which you can see here....oh my,...not sure what happened but he seemed pretty pleased with it...

Here's about half of the kids that came to the party all jammed into the hot tub at Lori's house.  

The party was a lot of fun and quite memorable.  Happy 15th birthday Eli!!!

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone have more fun than Eli? We didn't think so - glad to see his b-day didn't disappoint.
